Actualités pour les jeunes

Actualités pour les jeunes

Are you looking for video clips that connect students with current events, see things from their perspective, and help them do so in French? Well, CBC’s webzine MAJ is a great resource!

There are a number of topics covered here and it is easy to change the speed of the audio, hear different accents to raise your students’ awareness of dialects and accents, and the videos are wonderful conversation starters for in class discussions.

In my classes we have used some of the environment videos as a way of introducing a topic, starting a unit, start off brainstorming, sharing ideas and guiding us to other topics that might be related.

Students have been able to listen to accents that are different from mine, but also hear a few that have similarities. This has led to conversations and more awareness to the variety of accents in Canada and abroad.

The fact that videos can be slowed down or played at normal speed has been helpful for students of all abilities, and then the URL is easy to post on our school online ports to enable students to access is outside of school.