Oui French Teachers (OFT) has added another level to the service it provides…we’ve started a podcast, or un balado as they say in French. As always the purpose is to provide pertinent and helpful information particularly to French teachers living in Engliah majority areas. We will have guests, we will share information and free resources, and we will have open mic and interviews all with the hopes of building a community of French teachers and providing rich learning experiences for our students!
Future topics we are working on include la rentrée (back to school), les bulletins de notes (report cards), des scéances avec des parents (parent-teacher meetings), collecting information, procedures and routines. We welcome feedback and questions as well as suggestions for topics to research and cover.
The show can be found on
Apple and
Spotify, just click the links!
Academic Journals:
Websites and Blogs:
Teacher Podcasts:
French Language Podcasts:
Professional Development: